John Dunn

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Life - death - life

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Life of Christ image on Dr John Dunn. Life - death - life

The event of Christ is an allegory for the journey the individual must undertake. The Nativity to the Resurrection follows a path of sensory events in which we must discover the suprasensory content, which in turn refers to the cosmic content.

This is the true content, not graspable by reflected thought, but only by the thinking that overcomes sensory maya. True thinking lies beyond the maya of what is normally realised as thought.

Sensory experience strengthens thinking, because it leads from the undetermined to the determination, thanks to which the cosmic power of the undetermined indeed limits itself; yet it penetrates the human.

In sensory experience, which is ‘determined’, the Logos has descended into humanity, i.e. has incarnated.

The Logos, which is undetermined, is channelled through its opposite to become manifest.

There is a danger of getting stuck at the level of the ‘determined’.

We must overcome the limit of the determination, which is reflected thought. Instead we must discover, as living thinking, the power of the undetermined in which flows the real content of the human being.

Thinking must cognise its own death to restore immortality to the human being. Self-awareness and will have the function of giving force to the annihilation of reflected thought, where the lightning flash of the Resurrection is dynamically inherent. This flash is thinking’s identity with the Logos, from which the power of the undetermined originates within the determination. For this reason, it is the flash of lightning that shines and resolves the materiality of the Earth.

Thinking must cognise its own death - there must be an awakening. How?

Once our plight is understood we can take possession of the reflected thought to which we are in thrall and control the mental sphere. Once in control, we can open a passage to the Logos which has incarnated into the determined world of materiality and reflected thinking.

Such an awakening is therefore at once a death; but from death comes rebirth,a resurrection to thinking’s identity with the Logos, the Christ within.

© John Dunn.

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