John Dunn

John Dunn original writing
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Oxford to Cambridge

John Dunn original writing

Immanuel Kent in an engraving on Dr John Dunn.

Immanuel Kant

Weapon against Spinoza

At a stroke Kant generated a formidable weapon against the presuppositional philosophy of Spinoza and his heirs. His revolution swallowed all of the presupposed Substance, Ein Sof, the fact as fact, Nature, and so on. With his ‘discovery’ of the ‘subjectivity of knowledge’, Kant restored the creative imagination as the defining act of what it is to be human. With this, the Romantic Reaction began as Renaissance Humanism in secular form. The answer to the ‘who am I?’ question was no longer a tabula rasa to be written upon, but rather the stylus which writes upon the tablet. Central to Romanticism was the idea that the human imagination creates worlds, defying all external constraints upon it. It was a return to Renaissance Humanist thinking, in that the creative power of man was understood to be an echo or reflection of the power of the first Creator in whose image man is made, i.e. St Augustine’s concept of capax Dei.

From Child of Encounter

© John Dunn.

From the archive: Love as the Creation

Evola - formless to formed Evola - formless to formed
Transmutation – stated Evola – must always proceed from ‘formless universality’ to ‘formed individuality’ and not the other way around.
John Dunn

Just a thought: Plethon’s observations on the distorting impact of money lending and financial speculation upon government were hugely significant. John Dunn (Renaissance: Counter-Renaissance)

The Oxford to Cambridge Arc 2 The Oxford to Cambridge Arc 2
Further additions to the project, starting with the Gosford Bridge to Buckingham leg of Ogilby's 1675 Oxford to Cambridge route.
John Dunn


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