John Dunn
- John Dunn original writing
- Book sales
- Blog
- Thought Pieces
- Oxford to Cambridge
- From the archive
- Living thought as Logos
- Ultimate hypostasis
- Being: what is it?
- Resurrection of the self
- The Worst Form of Slavery
- ‘Truth’: a cruel, elaborate and stultifying fiction
- 'Violating 0', '1=0', 'New life v 0' and 'Violation comes first'
- Precursors
- Rudolf Steiner on Man in our epoch
- The Worst Form of Slavery
- Rethinking Heidegger and St Edith Stein
- Contentment
- Devoid of Love
- Being: what is it?
- This time as as a personalised narrative
- Beginning, always 2
- Living thought as Logos
- Beginning, always
- One nothing
- Where the immanence?
- Unattainable transcendence
- Gnomic wanting
- Love and the true self
- The self
- Are the principles of tradition possible without the old forms?
- Living thought
- How He exists
- Resurrected creation
- Continuous struggle
- Cosmogeny
- Creation and the Resurrection the same?
- Resurrected Creation
- Amidst whole congregations
- Violation, disruption and overturning
- Stein beyond Heidegger
- Root them out
- Escaping Beulah
- Love perpetual
- Love as the Creation
- All thought is fallen thought
- Encounter
- Imposing good
- Into the void
- Ascension
- This worldly life
- Encountered as Love
- Real bifurcation
- Birth of the “I”
- Ascension
- Destroy nature
- What’s the matter
- Everything amazing
- Over-hasty Nietzsche
- something else for Heidegger
- The very opposite of freedom
- An expansion upon the previous blog*
- Breaking Ananke, always
- Love incarnated
- Totalising Devil Worship
- Into the chaos*
- Violator violated conscious*
- Violator violated
- Before the beginning
- A Vision of Beulah
- A Vision of Beulah
- In the beginning
- Conundrum
- Thus spake
- Select 'few'
- Brittle crystal, that’s all it is
- Knaptoft
- Love and False Redemption
- No Loss of Discernment
- Shunning idolatry
- The Turning
- Ananke violated
- Awakening
- Ancient Terror
- Whose “dark Satanic mills”?
- Raine on Blake
- Chaos
- To judge the Lamb of God
- Man, in the image of the first Violator
- Marx, opium and despair
- Children of Urizen
- Beulah
- Stained glass of Leon
- Dictates of the angels
- Death to the old
- Imagine
- My business is to create
- Love or chaos
- Guard ourselves against it
- Were you one of the Seraphim?
- Man-made to ready-made
- Mythology must be "what Eternally Exists"
- Tintoretto’s St George
- Redcrosse Knight
- Imagination divine
- The transgressor is Saviour
- A challenge to the presumptions of Western philosophy
- Truth: the one and the many
- Imagining Urizen
- Love and creativity
- Leap clear
- Supra-sensual power
- Pound analysis
- Thinking:
- Heidegger and Job 1:21
- Questions
- Arturo Reghini and Julius Evola
- Absolute freedom
- Evola and Right action
- Evola and Eckart
- Raj ghost
- Poetic human love
- Know the reality
- Thoughts on love prompted by Rudolf Steiner
- Deathly frivolity
- Clearing in the forest
- Siege mentality
- Outsider
- Violated
- Love destruction
- Anti-entropic
- 'Smashing eggs'
- Human Zoo
- Under a great yew tree
- Reflections on Dante’s Divine Comedy
- Light passed through
- Swinburne walking
- Swinburne's constitutional
- Swinburne walks in living memory
- Longer Swinburne walks
- 'Run down' to Putney
- The Worst Form of Slavery
- Aleister Crowley: One like the others
- Illusory manifestation
- Holy Fool
- Ananke - Eros
- How happy ye mortals
- The machinations of Heidegger
- Heidegger and improvised being
- 'Demolishing the house of being'
- Lurianic Derrida
- Shunning idolatry
- Confession to Beatrice
- Schelling's romantic Spinozism
- Rooting for Rosenzweig
- Heidegger under the carpet
- Heidegger in a destitute time
- Heidegger - passive or active?
- Escaping Spinozist hypostasis - (Hell in Dante’s terms)
- Felix culpa
- Roger Garaudy, René Guénon, Frithjof Schuon and Baron Julius Evola
- Fire meets with fire
- Coleridge - On the Constitution of the State and Church
- Summoning and synthesis
- Gentile counters the Doctrine of Realism
- Cosmic mediator
- Trumping God
- Teetering on the edge of revelation
- Cosmic Mediator 2
- The power of one
- Gentile ‘meets’ Steiner
- Coleridge, Vico and Gentile
- Grail question
- Sam Decker and the grail vision in John Cowper Powys’s Glastonbury Romance - some thoughts
- Fichtean successor to feudalism
- The mask of Marxism
- Anti-globalist Fichte
- Fichte's Closed Commercial State
- State within a state
- Distinguished man
- Moral destiny
- Humanism restored
- Spinozism as Marxism
- What ought to be
- Resurrection of the self
- Comatose subject
- The Worst Form of Slavery
- Edomite Red
- Sin's redeeming power
- Death of the self
- ‘Liberty’ deceitfully
- Transmogrified Spinozism
- Community of oligarchs
- 'I will not be a doge'
- 'Republick of Merchants'
- 'Human god'
- Monstrous Spinoza
- Hegel, Marx and Kabbalah
- Lurianic Kabbalah
- Spinoza, exile and return
- Unquestioned presupposition
- The siren screams
- Sorelian amalgams
- Make it new
- Modernist response
- Self-hating
- In a straightjacket
- Swayambhu suppressed
- To bring a sword
- Promethean flame
- Swayambhu the 'Self-Created, the Self-Existent'
- Something from nothing
- Ilyenkov and the question
- Consolatory counterweight
- All is biography
- At behest of usura
- Strange borderlands
- On the particularity
- A warning from Jünger
- Sheep to the lampooners
- Quixotic confrontation with the rock
- Speaking tool
- For consciousness
- For the unconscious
- Stirner - the most 'free'
- Powerless before the impersonal thought of globalised capitalism
- Mass-action leftism
- Thought as collective, co-operative activity
- Hegel and the enigma of thought
- Consciousness, not blind creativity.
- Cruel, elaborate and stultifying fiction
- Red flag and swastika
- A mind freed from the false opinions of the multitude
- Concatenation of principles
- The meaning of the Tragedy of Mark
- Beware contentment!
- No op.33 Haydn, no Beethoven
- Convergence into the One
- Jehovah the tempestuous
- Dante’s De Monarchia: the Diocletian Order and Jehovian Settlement challenged
- Crown and mitre can be ours
- The mighty George Gemistos Plethon
- Dante’s stand against ‘the poison of representation’
- Dante’s pilgrimage to the mind of man
- Only ‘the few’ are human
- Human imagination, the uncontrollable element
- Bernardus Silvestris, the Cosmographia
- The pseudo-Dionysius: precursor of Renaissance humanism
- Gregory’s way to Eleusis
- The inexhaustible source of light
- Mark’s Gospel as Greek tragedy
- The condemnation of Eriugena
- The history of Christianity must be revised
- Of the world, but never bound by the limitations of the world
- Extending the borders of Usura
- Oswald Spengler on ethical socialism
- The Renaissance: a Platonist revolution
- The Gospel of Mark for 'insiders' and 'outsiders'
- Academic failure
- For Bolshevism insert liberalism
- C.H. Sisson and Ezra Pound
- Bruno and Florio
- The threat to mind and the power to imagine
- Garaudy and the religious dimension
- Roger Garaudy and Freedom
- She offers freedom yet enslaves
- Pound, Plato and Aristotle
- Imbecility, trying to decide on the form of govt, for all other races
- It all began with money
- Dante and the power of the mind to shape worlds
- Usury is contra naturam
- A quick thought on how Martin Heidegger's work relates to art
- Worker as an organic part of the nation
- Extending the borders of Usura
- Kenneth Clark - Looking for Civilisation
- Jesus and political action
- Christianity’s new rootedness
- Evola and Jünger: convergence of thought
- Ernst Jünger on Max Stirner
- Max Stirner on society as prison
- Every ego is from birth a criminal
- Dora Marsden: individualist anarchist
- Traditionalism is the only radicalism
- Cycling is not a means of travel, but rather a state of mind
- Anglo-catholicism of T. S. Eliot and the Ordinariate exiles
- Anglo-catholicism of T. S. Eliot and the Ordinariate exiles
- Did not the Pharisees genuinely believe that they were the good and the just?
- But don't the tarantulas now have total power?
- Nietzsche’s Zarathustra knew that traditionalism is the future and our redemption
- Simone Weil on hierachy - liberal and traditional
- Pilgrim Awheel: cycling in pursuit of St Cuthbert
- A Zoroastrian reflection of heaven on earth
- The struggle between good and evil, the essential wheel in the working of things
- Plethon on eliminating the merchant class from government
- The truth will be counter-intuitive
- Little Gidding: symbol of resistance
- Only dead fish swim with the stream, it has been said*
- Our wills become one single will
- Alternatives to modernist progressivism in the work of Gemistus Pletho, or Plethon
- The height of knowledge in Christendom
- Always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth
- The humanist idealism that calls itself Christian
- Totalitarian Humanism
- Francis Parker Yockey on HOLLYWOODISM
- The Incarnation of the One who is Truth
- On the need for an alliance between western traditionalists and Islam
- Jesus and political action
- Martin Heidegger’s counter-revolution in thinking
- Pilgrim Awheel: cycling in pursuit of St Cuthbert
- Those who have the power to make money scarce
- Disorder lived as order
- T. S. Eliot on Simone Weil and the social organism
- Simone Weil on the social organism
- Life as rite, not flight
- Meritocracy and the loss of being, authenticity and truth
- The political dichotomy for our times
- The Christianity of gnosis eclipsed by a Christianity of progress
- The economy will exist to serve the people
- Roger Garaudy: "The creative act is the fundamental experience and the revelation of the divine within us"
- Human beings reduced to human resources
- The rise of the empire of Usura
- Defence against the encroachment of barbarism
- The ignorance upon which finance thrives
- Emile Keller's counter-revolutionism
- Ezra Pound on religion and T.S. Eliot
- Edmund Burke and regime legitimisation
- Papering over the cracks of Kierkegaardian despair
- All the back-bone of Jefferson’s thought and of Van Buren’s forgotten!
- History NOT according to Spielberg
- Usura's endless wars
- The American revolution: a serious rival to Usura established
- William Cobbett and the secret too big to be uttered
- The Usurocracy and the mob
- Marx and the Judaic metaphor
- The loss of time, space and reality
- Martin Luther and the new paideuma
- The twin pillars of Usura
- Whig plotters and the Dutch invasion
- Charles I’s defence to the end of the vertical hierarchy
- In the Pilgrimage of Grace 1536, Christian charity would come face to face with Mammon
- Richard Wagner on equal access to the means of fulfilment
- Richard Wagner on 'the degrading power of money over the image of God'
- A man among the ruins?
- Frithjof Schuon on Luther, Calvin and protestant liberalism
- Ezra Pound on those barbarous texts
- The Usurocracy and mob rule
- The great wars of Usura
- Liberalism and the ignorance upon which finance thrives
- Martin Heidegger’s counter-revolution in thinking
- Exploring Heidegger's challenge to accepted modes of thinking
- Savitri Devi: A Warning to the Hindus
- Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson
- “Mysterium”/”Usura” - Ezra Pound on good and evil
- The component parts of Christianity split apart
- A social organism founded on the principle of unity in multiplicity
- Usury - then and now
- Ezra Pound on the antithesis of good and evil as the driver of history
- Martin Luther and the new paideuma
- Ezra Pound: financiers thriving on ignorance
- Ezra Pound on two mystic states.
- Reformation and the new paideuma
- Awakening from the nightmare of liberal democracy
- Weil, Belloc and tradition
- A coalition against liberalism
- Christianity in schools: whose history?
- Gay marriage is a reflection of the sterility of marriage generally
- Some of the finest and most exquisite medieval wall paintings in Britain
- T. S. Eliot and Simone Weil
- Gay Marriage and Enlightenment Terror
- The Traditionalists must part with the Libertarians
- Lost kingships
- Heidegger’s Turn Against Humanism
- Rethinking Heidegger and St Edith Stein
- A church before the reformers
- Are the principles of tradition possible without the old forms?
- Stein beyond Heidegger
- This worldly life
- The very opposite of freedom
- Spurious faith
- Marx, opium and despair
- A challenge to the presumptions of Western philosophy
- Heidegger and Job 1:21
- Roger Garaudy, René Guénon, Frithjof Schuon and Baron Julius Evola
- London: an offshore hedge fund
- The Worst Form of Slavery
- HollywoodISM
- Anglo-catholicism of T. S. Eliot and the Ordinariate exiles
- What is the point of a church if it simply reflects society?
- Roger Garaudy, René Guénon, Frithjof Schuon and Baron Julius Evola
- Roger Garaudy
- Reducing the diversity of the world
- The failure of new right ideas
- The political right has been hijacked.
- New Right
- Garaudy and the religious dimension
- Authentically Right?
- Gay marriage and the amoral logic of the economic system
- The desacralised materialist prison of the Enlightenment
- Roger Garaudy, René Guénon, Frithjof Schuon and Baron Julius Evola
- What Must Be Said by Günter Grass
- The Worst Form of Slavery
- HollywoodISM
- Action! Iconoclism!
- Capital has had to come right back to where value originates in the first place.
- Roger Garaudy and Freedom
- Roger Garaudy: "The creative act is the fundamental experience and the revelation of the divine within us"
- Extending the borders of Usura
- The Falsity of Western Thought
- The Sigh of the Oppressed: Marx and Engels and their criticism of passive materialism, theological atheism and religion
- Atomisation: The Social Unit of Subsistence of One
- Freedom from Idiocy and the Capacity Paradox
- Free Atoms Trapped in Economic Time
- Individualism is Social
- The End of Empiricist Winter
- Anglo-catholicism of T. S. Eliot and the Ordinariate exiles
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