John Dunn

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Oxford to Cambridge


Love and perpetual creativity

Saturday, 7 May 2022

Weils quote on Dr John Dunn. Love and perpetual creativity

The human as commonly understood by the perceptually contaminated and unawakened is not the genuine human, but the human-animal that must be overcome. Our presence on Earth has this purpose.

Living thought is not a human production, resulting from the sense-perception of a reflected reality; this is the reflected thought of the human-animal. Living thought is the creative light, the force of the Logos.

Living thought is Love and perpetual creativity.

Yes, there is connection with the One, i.e. the Logos, with all the inherent dangers of sliding into a Spinozistic pantheism, but the danger of this potential slide is mitigated when living thought is understood as being coterminous with the Logos

Such a connection with the ‘I’ and Logos is not a one-off event.

Our dependence on the values of reflected thinking cannot be overcome simply because they are perceived as illusory, as though it were a sudden flash of realisation

Living thought is Love, the perpetual continuation of the first Creation.

Urizen and his followers, who would keep the innocents in a sub-human state, know that only Love can cleanse ‘the doors of perception’. They were driven to murder Love and continue to do so.

'If the doors of perception were cleansed,” wrote William Blake, “everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.' Cleansing involves the removal of the contaminants.

© John Dunn.

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